3 Mukhi Rudraksha

The highest quality 3 Mukhi rudraksha is found in Nepal and Indonesia. The 3 Mukhi rudraksha works mainly to improve health. It represents the god of fire, the Agni Deva. He is the rig of the Vedic god, who is fiery and mighty.

Benefits of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

Wearing 3 Mukhi rudraksha frees you from the vicious cycle of karma and bondage of past life that prevents you from prospering in the present. It helps manage depression and sharpens the process of thinking. It operates on people who are embroiled in the complex of inferiority and fear of being left out. It helps raise self-love in people who have self-hatred and emotional tension.

How to wear 3 Mukhi Rudraksha?

It can be worn as a pendant or as a bracelet. You could also keep it in the place where you worship. It should be worn on a Monday or Tuesday early in the morning.

Price of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

Price of Three Mukhi Rudraksha starts from Rs 250 and above depending on the size and weight.

It is highly advisable that you pick up the 3 Mukhi Rudraksha from a certified dealer, like Gems For Everyone. We at Gems For Everyone provide Natural, Certified Gemstones, and Rudraksha at reasonable rates. This will ensure that you get the best quality of the gemstone, one that will bless you with enormous benefits.

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